HK$158 Bath & body works 3 wick candle 三芯香薰蠟燭 411g on

HK$158 Bath & body works 3 wick candle 三芯香薰蠟燭 411g on

玻璃瓶身, 植物蠟, 三芯燭芯, 瓶身高約9cm 直徑10.2cm, 約可燃燒25-45小時 容量:14.5 oz / 411 g 產地:美國 1. White Barn ROSE WATER & IVY - 玫瑰水和常春藤 2. White Barn Cider Lane - 暖焦糖,蘋果,深紅糖,丁香 3. LEMON LAVENDER SHORTBREAD - 檸檬皮,新鮮的薰衣草 4. FRESH LAVENDER HONEY - 薰衣草,蜂蜜,金銀花 5. FRENCH LAVENDER - 法國薰衣草 6. WITH LAVENDER EUCALYPTUS - 白色薰衣草桉樹 7. Autumn Woods - 白琥珀,薰衣草,核桃 8. A THOUSAND WISHES - 木瓜,水晶牡丹,鍍金的琥珀和杏仁奶油 9. FROZEN LAKE - 薰衣草葉,涼爽的桉樹,杜松子與精油 10. White Barn LEAVES - 紅蘋果,金花蜜,溫暖的丁香 11. VANILLA PATCHOULI - 香草廣PAT香 12. Aromatherapy Stress Relief EUCALYPTUS SPEARMINT - 桉樹,留蘭香 13. White Barn CHAMPAGNE TOAST - 白穀倉香檳吐司 14. CACTUS BLOSSOM - 仙人掌花瓣,椰奶,香草,檸檬汽水 15. Lavender Vanilla - 薰衣草香草 16. White Barn PARIS CAFÉ - 白穀倉巴黎咖啡館 17. Marshmallow Fireside - 烤棉花糖,火烤香草 18. Pomegranate Lemonade - 石榴檸檬水 19. White Barn Leaves - 酥脆的紅蘋果,金花蜜,丁香 20. White Barn Apple Weather - 新鮮蘋果、薰衣草葉、肉桂皮 21. Marshmallow Fireside - 烤棉花糖,火烤香草 22. AUTUMN - 蘋果、無花果、桉樹葉、冷杉香脂 23. Crisp Morning Air - 白橡木、琥珀木、藏紅花、檀香木 24. White Barn Gather - 波旁蘋果、楓糖、奶油香草和精油 25. Crisp Morning Air - 白橡木、琥珀木、藏紅花、檀香木 26. White Barn Fresh Fall Morning - 柑橘皮、林地鼠尾草、美味的紅蘋果 27. Aromatherapy Relax Lavender + Cedarwood - 薰衣草精油、雪松精油 28. Stress Relief EUCALYPTUS + Tea - 桉樹精油、茶 29. ROSE VANILLA - 玫瑰香草 30. Honeysuckle & Peach Spritz - 金銀花、多汁桃子和橙皮 31. Hibiscus Waterfalls - 芙蓉、桃子、水香調 32. Eucalyptus Rain - 芳香桑樹、留蘭香葉、新鮮春雨氣息精油 33. Sugared Lemonade - 新鮮檸檬汁、糖晶體和碎冰 34. Paradise Cove - 海邊檀香、桉樹葉和甜橙皮 35. Eucalyptus Springs - 新鮮的桉樹葉、波光粼粼的泉水和甜美的薰衣草 36. Raspberries & Whipped Vanilla - 覆盆子、草莓香草豆和檸檬的香氣

Hong Kong

細小花形薄餅平底鍋 (Flower-shaped Mini Pancake Pan) on


細小花形薄餅平底鍋 (Flower-shaped Mini Pancake Pan) on

HK$20 | Condition: Brand new | 此平底煱可用來煎蛋和造迷你薄餅。 For making fried eggs (Sunnyside Up) and mini pancakes. 不可在猛火下使用。 Do not use on high heat. 不適宜在微波爐内使用。 Not suitable for use in a

DIATOMACEOUS EARTH the non toxic way to kill crawling insects Sham Shui Po
HK$ 198.00


DIATOMACEOUS EARTH the non toxic way to kill crawling insects Sham Shui Po

Bed bugs, cockroaches, fleas and ticks (exoskeletons) eliminated with Diatomaceous Earth. Add to your cat's litter box to kill parasites and control odour

The Coffee Academics Drip Bag Kettle 250ml on


The Coffee Academics Drip Bag Kettle 250ml on

HK$80 | Condition: Brand new | Whatsapp 98342453

99 % new digital weight scale體重磅附室溫和電池量指示 on


99 % new digital weight scale體重磅附室溫和電池量指示 on

HK$70 | Condition: Like new | 只用過一次磅,如全新般。除量體重,也有室溫和電池量指示。 We used once and like new. Besides measuring body weight, the scale also has room temperature and battery

手提戶外燒烤爐 Briefcase Outdoor BBQ Charcoal Grill on


手提戶外燒烤爐 Briefcase Outdoor BBQ Charcoal Grill on

HK$400 | Condition: Brand new | 手提公事包燒烤炭爐,簡易安裝,容易清洗,方便收藏。 Charcoal Grill in briefcase, simple setup, easy to clean and storage. 32cm (L)x 38cm (W)x 32cm(H) 打開後, sizes

KETER Moby 雙門矮櫃 Low Cabinet on


KETER Moby 雙門矮櫃 Low Cabinet on

HK$1,599 | Condition: Brand new | IPX3防水功能* 防UV處理 加大的尺寸(寬80厘米) 把手柄附有兩款顏色 金屬門較 加厚承托層架,每層承重30kg 可自由調較櫃腳的高度 底部有五個腳座,令櫃子更穩定 設有安全上鎖固定;容易調整櫃架 尺寸︰80厘米 (長) x 44厘米 (深) x 100厘米 (高) 包裝尺寸:80x24x45.5cm 物料:PP膠料

Iwatani Yakiniku pan grill plate 燒肉達人 CB-P-Y2 on


Iwatani Yakiniku pan grill plate 燒肉達人 CB-P-Y2 on

HK$60 | Condition: Well used | Iwatani Yakiniku pan grill plate 燒肉達人 CB-P-Y2 suitable for Korean and japan style grill cuisine used with gas type

[可用消費券] Captain Stag 2WAY 滴濾咖啡壺 700mL 套裝 on


[可用消費券] Captain Stag 2WAY 滴濾咖啡壺 700mL 套裝 on

HK$268 | Condition: Brand new | 現凡買滿$299即享順豐送貨,送到順豐自提櫃或順豐站 其他數量只限順豐到付或葵芳站面交 產品名稱:Captain Stag 2WAY 滴濾咖啡壺 套裝 產品原稱:珈琲 2WAYドリッパーセット 數量:1件,連外盒 容量:850mL(約2~5杯) 體積:150 x 122 x 217mm 材質: 蓋子:聚丙烯 耐熱溫度:140°C/耐冷溫度:-20°C

John's Blend Musk Mint Fragrance Gel 居家香薰膏  麝香薄荷 on


John's Blend Musk Mint Fragrance Gel 居家香薰膏 麝香薄荷 on

HK$45 | Condition: Brand new | Fragrance Gel, Musk Mint smell 135g, size compared with $100banknote in picture, made in Thailand Original price: $69 規格:容量135g

美國Suncast 63 Gallon Medium Deck Box


美國Suncast 63 Gallon Medium Deck Box

HK$1,000 | Condition: Brand new | 美國Suncast 63 Gallon Medium Deck Box - 全新 原價: $2,100 特價: $1,000 數量有限 全新未用過, 特價蝕賣清倉 Exterior Size: 46 in. W x 18 in. D

Dior Saint-Honoré scented candle 250g on


Dior Saint-Honoré scented candle 250g on

HK$500 | Condition: Brand new | 250g 100% new with box and bag The Saint-Honoré scented candle unfurls intense accords around spicy, floral, woody and vanilla notes. Its scent evokes

Ikea tornviken 廚房工作檯, 灰白色/橡木 kitchen island on


Ikea tornviken 廚房工作檯, 灰白色/橡木 kitchen island on

Hk$500 | condition: well used | tornviken kitchen island 廚房工作檯, 灰白色/橡木 off-white/oak 原價original $3790 尺寸size 長度l: 126 cm 闊度w: 77 cm 高度h: 90 cm https://www.ikea.

Outdoor sofa set, set of 3 on


Outdoor sofa set, set of 3 on

Hk$7,980 | condition: brand new | sku: spu-s20029s included: 3-seater with cushion x 1pc - l 180cm x w 75cm x

Outdoor storage garage shed on


Outdoor storage garage shed on

Hk$5,400 | condition: brand new | this storage shed can handle various outdoor organizational needs. perfect for storing garden tools, bbq grills,

Bigi 進口4.5cm實木電視櫃 #11 solid wood tv cabinet


Bigi 進口4.5cm實木電視櫃 #11 solid wood tv cabinet

Hk$5,200 | condition: brand new | natural live solid wood slab tv cabinet from new zealand. it brings extremely raw feeling to

Posh herman miller ck8 pull out


Posh herman miller ck8 pull out

Hk$1,500 | condition: well used | a discontinued posh pull out steel cabinet. rare in market. sturdy and in good condition. pick

(rare find in hk!) maranta silver band


(rare find in hk!) maranta silver band

Hk$299 | condition: used | rare find in hk for sure price includes plastic pot maranta leuconeura “silver band” is a darling

Affordable luxury furniture central and western
HK$ 123,456.00


Affordable luxury furniture central and western

Looking for lavish furniture hong kong? buy high style furniture for your bedroom, dining room or lounge. contact ziinlife for

G.o.d. manila custom made farbic headboard double bed frame yau tsim mong
HK$ 4,000.00


G.o.d. manila custom made farbic headboard double bed frame yau tsim mong

Black/grey fabric head board with customized dimensions. suitable for mattresses with dimensions 137cm x 190 cm (54" x 75") for overall dimensions

Free pick-up: used furnitures in great conditions! tuen mun


Free pick-up: used furnitures in great conditions! tuen mun

Free pick-up (tuen mun area): used furnitures in great conditions! you need to arrange pick up yourself and pm me

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